This is my second winter living in Australia. Winter in June, I’m still getting used to that. In Adelaide, winter consists of rain and wind. It’s mild compared to Denver.
We lived downtown for the first year, having just recently moved to a bigger place in the suburbs. Living downtown had perks. The people-watching is off the charts. We didn’t need a car for our first year since several large grocery stores were within 400 meters of us. As an American, Adelaide’s public transport is fantastic (as an American). We had no trouble getting around the entire city. Adelaide’s CBD was a great first place to live in Australia.
I do prefer a quieter suburb these days. Rainbow Lorikeets come by often. The bigger house has allowed us to move our belongings out of storage from a year ago. It’s been so nice to have so many of our things again. It’s like Christmas unpacking things from our old Denver house.
The car we bought is the exact same car we had in Denver. I’ll update with pictures of both cars later.
Life feels more peaceful here. The atmosphere is more chill, relaxed. The stronger social safety nets in Australia give nice peace of mind. Workers gain flexibility when health insurance has nothing to do with employment. I recently left my consulting agency position with an Australian company. I accepted a new contracting position for an American company as the team load for their Oceania software division. It’s a very new role for me. I’m absolutely loving it so far. I plan to write more about it later in the year.
I miss friends and family back home in the USA, but Australia has been so gracious to me and us. I’m grateful to have had such an amazing and unique expirence in my life.