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Even Here, We Are

This is my second winter living in Australia. Winter in June, I’m still getting used to that. In Adelaide, winter consists of rain and wind. It’s mild compared to Denver.

On The Other Side (of the planet)

We moved to Australia on 18 April 2022. This is the start of the rest of my life, all over again. I’ve lived in Australia now for two months.

Australia Or Bust

After two years of work, I am finally able to share some big personal news: my wife and I are moving from Denver, Colorado in the United States to Adelaide, South Australia. We will leave the United States on 16 April 2022. That is two weeks from now.

Thoughts On The Dream Job

In Feburary 2020, I interviewed was hired at Sophos, a global cyber-security company. Sophos develops products for network security, email security, encryption, mobile securiy, and communications endpoints. The company has 3,500 employees. It is an institution.

Dark Mode for no reason, quick update

For no particular reason, I’ve updated my site to use dark mode. I’m slightly considering making a JavaScript toggle to let users switch between light mode & dark mode. But, no one reads this. So, haha.

Fender Stratocaster Rebuild

This guitar is an E-Series 1987 Japanese Fender Stratocaster Squier. I didn’t know most of that until a month ago. At thirteen, I got it from a pawn shop in small Texas town. It was my first guitar. Many have come and gone over the years, but this one has been with me since. This guitar moves with me to Australia and back. It has my companion and tool in six bands that I can recall from memory right now. It was never great, but that was never the point of this one, for me.

Blogging from iOS 13 beta on iPad Air 2

The introduction of iPadOS looked promising enough for me to consider replacing more of the work I do on my Arch on my laptop. I’m not interested in deprecating a laptop that I love, but offloading more simple tasks to other, more mobile, devices appeals to my sense of freedom.

Check Out This Diff

Oh, snap. Look! I had already refactored this controller quite a lot, but then I did this. So satisfying.

On Test Driven Development


One of the things I see most on job descriptions, brought up in interviews, and thrown around in general programming discussion is Test Driven Development. For the most part, everyone understands how the methology works and how to implement it. But, I see a lot of developers miss out on the benefits when it comes to fixing a bug.

There's more to learning to fish than buying a pole.

I’ve been learning to fish. I’ve learned this is, in fact, not how it works.

Down With S3, Long Live EC2

I’ve ditched hosting the new static site on AWS S3. It’s mostly an impatient thing, but I’ve also seen odd metrics between the AWS S3 analytics and Google Analytics.

It's getting Cold (A Test Post)

It’s getting cold leading up to Christmas.

SSL with AWS S3

I’ve finally completed the move from Jeykll to Middleman, and migrated the old blog to on AWS S3.


From Jeylkk to Middleman

No More Nomad Life

This is not a coding post, so this is a bit off topic, but I don’t care:

Easy Benchmarking with Ruby on Rails MiniTest

Do you want a native benchmarking tool for Rails 4? Good luck.

AngularJS with CoffeeScript avoiding scope hell

In Angular 1.x, think of $scope methods as public methods.

Domains and Demo Apps

It’s been a pretty long while since I’ve posted anything on here. I’ve been meaning to, but I keep forgetting.

RSpec With Implicit Subject & A Little About Me

This is the first post I’ve made with Jekyll. I’m still deciding if I like it; but, I think it’s database-less state along with the markdown entries make this a winner for me. The Jeykll framework is pretty impressive.